EU Commission: online meeting with Church representatives tomorrow. Discussion on Conference on the Future of Europe Margaritis Schinas, European Commission Vice-President for Promoting our European Way of Life, will be holding a virtual meeting with the leaders of European religious and non-confessional organisations tomorrow. The meeting, which will also be attended by Vice-President for Democracy Dubravka Šuica, aims to discuss the Conference on the Future of Europe. Vice-President Šuica, who will give an update on the progress of the Conference, said: “the Conference on the Future of Europe is a unique opportunity that gives a central role to European citizens, civil society and religious communities in the context of a broad, open and inclusive debate on the EU’s future direction. The commitment of religious communities and non-religious organisations is key to its success”. Vice-President Schinas said: “the Conference on the Future of Europe aims to engage in a dialogue with citizens, giving them a voice in what Europe is doing today and how it shapes its future. Religious and non-confessional organisations have an important role to play in reaching out to citizens, especially young Europeans. This is important because the future of Europe lies above all with them”. The meeting is organised as part of the dialogue between the EU and Churches on the basis of Article 17 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU.Valentina Bombelli