Lithuania: Synod, online materials and documents. The stages of the Path in the Baltic country At the website, all of the Synod’s documents and supporting materials have been translated and posted in Lithuanian, and the coordinators of the Synodal Path are at work in the dioceses, where some workgroups have been created. A “national reporter” has been appointed at a national level. This is how things are going on in the Baltic country, according to a press release issued after the Lithuanian Bishops’ meeting in Kaunas a few days ago. Algidras Jurevičius, the liaison bishop, described the way the Path is moving on. The Bishops agreed on a schedule: “one of the themes listed” in the Synod’s documents will be addressed every month until June 1st 2022; from June 1st to June 20th, the Synod’s groups will prepare summaries of the insights, which will be posted on the diocesan websites. While the dioceses have time till August 15th to draw the conclusions of what will have come to the fore for the local Churches, the national workgroup will draw up a final summary document, which will be submitted and approved by the Lithuanian Bishops at their meeting in late June. As opposed to the other dimensions of the life of the Church in Lithuania, the dioceses keep working individually for the Amoris Laetitia Year, while at a national level it has been decided that the usual Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament touring the parishes should be dedicated to three intentions: peace, the Synodal Path, and vocations. Every parish will be called to outline a weekly prayer meeting that shall be specifically focussed on calls to priesthood and consecrated life.Valentina Bombelli