EU Parliament: State of the Union, Von der Leyen’s speech to the MEPs. The situation of Afghanistan on the agenda The European Parliament will meet once again in a plenary session in its official premises in Strasbourg from 13th to 16th September. On 15th September, at 9.00 am, Ursula von der Leyen, president of the EU Commission, will give her speech on the State of the Union, which will be followed by a debate with the MEPs. Von der Leyen “is expected to outline – the agenda handed out to the press states – the impact of the efforts made by the EU Commission in the last year, especially on dealing with the economic and public health crisis due to Covid-19, as well as sharing with the MEPs her view of the responses to the challenges that the EU is confronted with, such as economic recovery, the fight against climate change, the Digital Agenda, and the Conference on the Future of Europe”. The MEPs will review the EU Commission’s efforts and the initiatives planned for next year and will submit their opinions and ideas. “For the MEPs, the yearly debate on the State of the Union is a chance to assess the European Commission’s efforts and plans and help trace the direction that the EU should move along”. Domestic and foreign policy matters (first and foremost the emergency in Afghanistan, as well as Poland and Russia), Brexit, gender-based violence, LGBTIQ rights will be addressed at the plenary session.Valentina Bombelli