Coronavirus Covid-19: Von der Leyen, 70% adults vaccinated in the EU. “I urge all those who can to get vaccinated” “Having completed the vaccination of 70% of adults in the European Union as early as August is a great achievement”. It is Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, who gives the news, confirming a goal that the EU had set out for itself in the last few months. Overall, more than 256 million adults in the 27 member states have been fully vaccinated. “The European Union’s strategy of moving together is bearing fruit and places Europe in the forefront of the global fight against Covid-19”. The pandemic, Von der Leyen points out, “however is not over. More needs to be done. I urge all those who can to get vaccinated. And we must also help the rest of the world get vaccinated. Europe will keep supporting its partners in this effort, especially low- and middle-income countries”. Valentina Bombelli