European Council: vaccination campaign ok, towards a “gradual reopening of our societies”. On with digital certificate and Covax “The vaccination campaigns have picked up speed all over the European Union. This, along with an improvement in the general epidemiologic condition, will pave the way to a gradual reopening of our societies”. This is the first message coming out of the European Council, ended today. “However, we must stay vigilant – the 27 leaders of the EU warn in a final notice before leaving Brussels – as to the onset and spread of variants” and act accordingly, if needed. “The current efforts will be essential to increase vaccine production and provide adequate supplies for all the countries of the European Union”. Efforts to ensure a coordinated approach “should continue until summer. In this scenario, the European Council welcomes the agreement reached on the EU digital Covid certificate and asks that it be promptly implemented. As the next step, in order to make free movement in the EU easier, it asks that the European Council’s recommendation on travelling within the EU borders travels be revised by mid-June”. Lastly, “the impact of the pandemic will only be contained through a global response. The EU is the biggest exporter of Covid-19 vaccines in the world and will continue its efforts to increase its global vaccine manufacturing capacity, so as to meet global requirements. The European Council asks that efforts to provide global equitable access to vaccines be intensified and supports the leading role of Covax”.Valentina Bombelli