EU Parliament: focus on the situation of Roma populations in Europe. On the agenda of the plenary session, relations with China and legal procedures for workers’ migration It’s the last day of work for the plenary session of the European Parliament. At the start of the day, a discussion on data protection and the Facebook Ireland case, and then the weaknesses of data protection rules in the United Kingdom. The day will go on with the issue of the Roma population in Europe, their social inclusion and their participation, then some “cases of breached human rights, democracy and the rule of law” will be addressed: war prisoners in the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict, Haiti and Chad. In the afternoon, instead, the last debate will be focussed on the “severe impact of the recent spring frost on fruit and vine growers”. A number of resolutions will be voted on about the issues discussed today and in the last few days, such as the Chinese countersanctions on EU organisations and European and national PMs, the right of information of Parliament about the assessments that the EU Commission will make in the next few weeks of the Recovery plans submitted by the EU countries, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, a resolution on “legal procedures for workers’ migration”, and then again the document on the “single digital market and use of Artificial Intelligence for European consumers”. In June, the next session of the European Parliament will take place in its Strasbourg premises again.Valentina Bombelli