Conference on the Future of Europe: digital platform launched. Sassoli, “a tool for citizens to have a say and influence decision-making”. The Executive Board of the Conference on the Future of Europe, made up of representatives from the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission, has today launched the multilingual digital platform for the Conference on the Future of Europe, inviting all EU citizens to “contribute to shaping their own future and that of Europe as a whole”. The platform, available in 24 languages, allows “citizens from across the Union to share and exchange their ideas and views through online events”. The official launch of the Conference is scheduled for 9 May, Europe Day. But registrations are already open on the platform for those wishing to take part. European Parliament President, David Sassoli, said: “The platform represents a key tool to allow citizens to participate and have a say on the Future of Europe. We must be certain that their voices will be heard and that they have a role in the decision-making, regardless of the COVID-19 pandemic”. Indeed, the Conference will take place online at least in the first few months. “European democracy, of the representative and participatory kind, will continue to function no matter what - Sassoli added -, because our shared future demands it”.Valentina Bombelli