Romania: ErcisFM, new Catholic radio. Mgr. Paulet (Diocese of Iasi), “very useful broadcaster for the journey of faith” After 23 years of paperwork, requests for authorisation and frequencies, research for alternatives and collaborations with other radio stations, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Iași in Romania has launched its own radio, ErcisFM. The inauguration of the diocesan broadcaster took place on 19 March, the feast of St. Joseph, also coinciding with the opening of the “Amoris Laetitia Family” Year. At present, ErcisFM only broadcasts online, in audio and video formats, on a dedicated website, on YouTube and Facebook, and also via Android and iOS apps. “We want to further develop the radio so that it can reach the homes and hearts of many people: the Internet can be instrumental in helping us to achieve this goal. In the coming months, we hope to get the necessary frequencies so that ErcisFM can be heard on the radio in the homes of the faithful on most of the territory of the Diocese of Iași, that is, in the Moldova region of Romania”, Fr Adrian Blăjuță, spokesman for the Diocese of Iași and director of the new Catholic radio, told SIR news agency. Mgr. Aurel Percă, President of the Romanian Bishops’ Conference, welcomed news of the inauguration of ErcisFM, recalling the invitation of recent Pontiffs, from John Paul II to Francis, to use the media to proclaim the Gospel. “I see it as a great achievement for the Diocese of Iasi, and I congratulate and bless everyone for this initiative. May what will be achieved through this radio be for the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls”, said Mgr. Percă. “Joy is great, at least for me as a pastor of the Diocese of Iasi, although I believe it is a great joy for all”, said the Bishop of Iasi, Mgr. Iosif Păuleț, at the inauguration of the diocesan radio. “It is a very useful radio for the faith of our faithful, to sustain them on the path of faith, and our greatest desire is that they follow this radio station”.Valentina Bombelli