United Kingdom: the country upset over the 100 thousand Covid-19 victims. Card. Nichols, “we must cry and pray for each one” “It is a very sad day in our nation. So many people, families, communities commemorate those who died in these terrible months of the pandemic. For each one, we must cry and pray”. Thee are the first words of the message that card. Vincent Nichols, Catholic primate of England and Wales, sent out today, as the United Kingdom commemorates the one hundred people lost to coronavirus. “I ask you to join me in prayer for those who lost someone they loved and for those who serve the community. Our faith tells us that there is a promise of eternal life even in the darkest times”, the archbishop of Westminster writes on. In an open letter to the nation, the archbishops of Canterbury and York, Justin Welby and Stephen Cottrell, also ask the citizens to commemorate every day the people who died from the pandemic, by joining a moment of national prayer at 06.00 pm every day, starting on February 1st. “This crisis has hit the poor and the ethnic minorities hardest”, the archbishops write, “and these are inequalities that must be removed. Although this third lockdown is very difficult to adhere to, we encourage everyone to comply with the restrictions to stop the virus, thus showing the love we feel for each other. We also ask those who can to get vaccinated. We are deeply grateful for the hope such injections give us”.Valentina Bombelli