Ethiopia: Justitia et Pax Europa, a tragic situation. An appeal for peace negotiations and humanitarian aids “Though we understand how complex the political situation may be, we ask the international community, including the EU, to give a proactive contribution to the peace negotiations and to ease the humanitarian corridors so that aids can be freely supplied to over four million people in urgent need”: Ethiopia is worrying the European Commission Justitia et Pax, which makes an appeal today, based on evidence found by members of the Ethiopian Commission. The stories heard by the operators speak of people who “must walk ten days to reach Sudan, mothers who carry children crying out for food and water, full of fear for the unknown, shocked and with war traumas. Those who stay are facing the risk of impending famine, because the region, already scantily fertile due to draught and swarms of locusts is now having supplies stopped and is running out of fuel”. “It’s painful to listen to such kind of stories in this day and age”, says the message, which expresses sympathy with the operators of Justitia et Pax who are working amidst such sufferings. And, in support of the European Parliament’s appeal, the European association, chaired by Irish bishop Noel Treanor, asks all conflicting parties “that they may protect civilians in strict compliance with international humanitarian law and international human rights law”.Valentina Bombelli