Coronavirus Covid-19: Von der Leyen (EU) announces a new agreement for Moderna’s vaccines. Speaking with Italian Prime Minister Conte on the phone “The coronavirus pandemic has seriously affected our lives. Many people have fallen ill or have lost their jobs. And, right now, many Europeans are afraid they won’t see their families or close friends over Christmas. Even if the restrictions can slow down the spread of the virus, only a safe, effective vaccine will provide a lasting solution. Vaccination will help us put an end to the pandemic”. With these words, Ursula von der Leyen, president of the EU Commission, who earlier today spoke over the phone with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, announced a new agreement to provide another vaccine against Covid-19: “under this agreement, we can buy up to 160 million doses of a vaccine manufactured by Moderna”. And she adds: “Based on the findings of the clinical tests, this vaccine could be highly effective against Covid”. When the vaccine has been “actually proven to be safe and effective, every member state will receive it at the same time, on a pro-rata basis, on the same terms”. Meanwhile, Von der Leyen announced that she is working at another agreement to extend the “vaccine portfolio”. “All the vaccines in our portfolio will be very carefully assessed by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). They will be sold only if they are safe and effective”. And then: “Quickly providing Europeans with vaccines is our priority. But, at the same time, we want to make sure everyone has access to the vaccines, wherever they are in the world. It is because of this that since May we have raised almost 16 billion euros for tests, treatments and vaccines against coronavirus across the world”.Valentina Bombelli