Brexit: infringement procedure against the United Kingdom for breach of the withdrawal agreement The “first step in the infringement procedure against Great Britain” has been taken. This was announced this morning by the president of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, who, in a very short statement, revealed that a “letter of notice” was sent to the British government this morning, because the bill of law that, if enforced, would be “in full contradiction” with the terms stated in the protocol about Northern Ireland, part of the withdrawal agreement already ratified by the United Kingdom and the European Union, has not been withdrawn by the deadline of 30th September. Now, Great Britain has one month’s time to remedy a gesture that has led to a “break of trust”. Despite this, the EU will keep working to clarify the measures included in the withdrawal agreement, because “we keep our promises”, Von der Leyen said.Valentina Bombelli