CEI: Rome, Permanent Episcopal Council from 21 to 23 September The autumn session of the Permanent Episcopal Council will take place at Villa Aurelia (Via Leone XIII, 459) in Rome from Monday 21 to Wednesday 23 September. After the opening address by Cardinal President Gualtiero Bassetti, the main theme for the General Assembly, postponed to 16-19 November due to the health crisis, will be chosen, and discussion will then focus on how to best promote the publication of the third Italian edition of the Roman Missal. Items on the Council’s agenda will also include a reflection on the current situation of Catholicism in Italy, a brief presentation of the five-yearly reports by the Episcopal Commissions, and two communications, one on the Instrumentum Laboris of the 49th Social Week of Italian Catholics and one on the next competition for Catholic religion teachers. Finally, the Council will focus on the Meeting for Reflection and Spirituality “Mediterranean: frontier of peace” which took place in Bari from 19 to 23 February 2020: its contents will be taken up again to relaunch the initiative. On Thursday, 24 September, the Secretary General Mgr. Stefano Russo will present the final communique at a press conference at Villa Aurelia at 11 a.m.Valentina Bombelli