Czech Republic: over a thousand churches will open their gates for the Night of Churches (Bratislava) - This year’s edition of The Night of Churches in the Czech Republic on 12 June will have a special flavour. Although the strict prevention measures adopted by the government to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic have already been loosened, organisers remain vigilant. Along with the planned opening of over 1,100 churches and ecclesiastical buildings to visitors, they have arranged a special online and television programme dedicated to the project. In collaboration with the Catholic TV NOE, each of the eight Bohemian and Moravian dioceses will have a thirty-minute space to present their most interesting sites. Those who won´t be able to visit them in person will have an opportunity to ask questions, interact with guests and even participate in various online contests. According to the organisers, “the aim of the project is to spread the word about the beauty of sacred monuments and buildings among all inhabitants of the country, to demonstrate that the Christian roots of the Czech nation are still alive and that the local communities of the Church keep flourishing and developing”. This year’s motto of The Night of Churches has been taken from the Book of Psalms: “You made the moon to mark the seasons... You bring darkness and night falls... The sun rises... People go out to their work″. For more information: Alfaro