COVID-19 Coronavirus: Brussels, part of EU Parliament’s building to shelter the homeless. 1,000 meals a day for health workers and the needy of the city “Concrete solidarity with citizens. This is the line of the European Parliament. In agreement with the Brussels Capital Region, we have decided to make part of our building available to homeless people and the most vulnerable in society, during this serious health emergency”, the President of the European Parliament, David Sassoli, explained in a new video message. “In addition, our kitchens will make more than 1,000 meals a day to be distributed to those in need, as well as to health workers to help them do their jobs”. “We - Sassoli went on to add - are close to those who suffer, to those who work tirelessly in our hospitals, to the city and people of Brussels, as well as those of Strasbourg and Luxembourg” which are home to the European institutions, “who need our help today. Europe’s strength is in its ability to act in solidarity”. Valentina Bombelli