EU Parliament: Puidgemont (Catalan leader), “no repression, find solutions through dialogue”. Yet he turns down requests for dialogue at EP (Strasbourg) The right to self-determination is the best and the most democratic way to solve territorial conflicts in Europe. This is according to Catalan separatist leader Carles Puigdemont in his first speech to the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Mr Puigdemont is living in a self-imposed exile far from his beloved Barcelona, but was elected MEP last May. He was finally accepted as a fully-fledged MEP yesterday at the end of a long dispute between the EU and the Spanish State. He referred to Catalonia as a “European internal affair” to which “a political solution must be found through dialogue”. And he went on to say: “Repression cannot be an acceptable solution. Now is time for European politicians to speak up”. MEPs, however, remained quite indifferent to his words, his speech being only applauded by nationalist members sitting in Strasbourg. Then two MEPs requested a blue card to ask Mr Puidgemont two questions as part of the ongoing debate in the hemicycle, but he turned them down.Gianni Borsa