EU Commission: energy, nuclear first source in Europe. Followed by wind power and gas The comprehensive State of the Energy Union Report 2024 presented by the European Commission in Brussels today includes specific chapters on “enhancing energy security and competitiveness” and “empowering consumers in the clean transition”. A further focus is on renewables, where, according to the Commission, “significant progress has been made”. “Wind power overtook gas to become the EU’s second largest source of electricity behind nuclear, and by the first half of 2024 renewables generated 50% of electricity in the EU”. In 2022 the EU’s primary energy consumption renewed its downward trend, falling by 4.1%. “Nevertheless, energy efficiency efforts will need to be stepped up further for the EU to meet the 11.7% final energy consumption reduction target by 2030”. Therefore, “further improvement is needed, not least in the electrification of heating equipment across the board and the rate of renovation of buildings. Strengthened efforts are needed to address high energy prices. This is key to improve the competitiveness of EU industry, and to accelerate investments in Europe’s integrated infrastructure networks, which are essential for the electrification of the European economy”.Valentina Bombelli