EU Parliament: Von der Leyen, “today’s Europe is the best version in history”. She quotes Sassoli, Delors and Ventotene (Strasbourg) A long and articulated speech, interrupted by much applause and some protests from the far-right benches. Ursula Von der Leyen addressed the European Parliament this morning to explain her work programme should MEPs give her confidence in the early afternoon vote. Her speech was accompanied by a thirty-page document outlining the guidelines of the next Commission for the period 2024-2029. The president seeking re-election recalled the unprecedented 5 years faced in her first term (COVID, Next Generation EU, Green Deal, war in Ukraine). “I am convinced that the version of Europe since the end of World War II” is “still the best version in history”. She then recalled “the last words of David Sassoli calling for a more united Europe”. Von der Leyen pointed out: “Choices are the hinges of destiny in a world full of adversity. Europe’s destiny hinges on what we do next. Europe now faces a clear choice. A choice which will shape our work for 5 years”. Europe “cannot control dictators and demagogues across the world, but it can choose to protect its own democracy”. And she also quoted Jacques Delors and the federalists of the Ventotene Manifesto.Valentina Bombelli