Portugal: Coimbra, the diocese and local bodies organise the “Concert for Earth” The Justice and Peace Commission of the diocese of Coimbra and other city bodies, such as the Municipality, the Rotary club de Coimbra Olivais and the “Associação mutualista a previdência portuguesa”, will organise the “Concert for Earth” tomorrow 25th June at 9.30 pm. The initiative will be held in the auditorium of St Francis Convent in Coimbra and aims to urge “the reawakening of collective consciousness on a crucial global issue, using art as a means”, a notice from the organisers says. “In the ebullience of our days, awareness of the deterioration of the condition of the environment, the loss of biodiversity and the climate crisis is growing”, the notice goes on. This situation affects the inhabitants of planet Earth “even if unequally and in social and economic terms it affects mainly the weaker and the poorer ones, causing an ever-increasing number of extreme events (draughts, heatwaves, intense rainfall and floods, wood fires and loss of sustainability), evacuees and conflicts. It is on this background that the “Concert for Earth” initiative was born, to keep “the guard up for the state of the planet”, the organisers state.Valentina Bombelli