European elections: media, headlines and comments. Results of voting on Al-Jazeera and Russian media. EU’s future is uncertain Here are the EU elections followed and covered by media outlets across the world. “‘Far-right parties surge in EU elections” is the headline on the Al-Jazeera’s website in English, with a picture of Marine Le Pen and a video explaining Macron’s decision to call a snap election, Germany’s Scholz and Austria’s Nehammer heavy “defeats”, the “splitting” of Belgium “in half”, with overall results pointing to a “slimmed-down majority” for pro-European forces, adding “to the uncertainty of the EU’s future”. By contrast, the headline of the Russian news agency TASS reads: “Majority in European Parliament is pro-European, pro-Ukrainian”. Nezavisimaja Gazeta gives its interpretation of the results: “If nothing extraordinary happens, the largest faction in the European Parliament will be the EPP, a pan-European organisation that includes all the main liberal and Christian-democratic parties in Europe. The intrigue of the elections lies in who will take second place. There is a chance that something unprecedented will happen to the EU: Eurosceptics and right-wing populists may come in second”, if, the article reads, the EU Conservatives and Reformists and Identity and Democracy create a common faction, thereby “becoming a truly impressive force in the European Parliament. Whether Ursula Von der Leyen remains at the helm of the European Commission for a second term will depend on them”.Sarah Numico