European election: Czech Republic, the Bishops call people to vote. “Passivity and indifference will not lead us to the Kingdom of God” The Bishops of the Czech and Moravian ecclesiastic provinces asked that their “encouragement to turn out” at the election for the European Parliament be read at the end of Mass on Sunday 2nd June. “Passivity and, even worse, indifference will not lead us to the Kingdom of God, which we must already shape with our life here on Earth”, they wrote in their short message. “Our continent is going through difficult tribulations. It is not only about our prosperity and financial security, it is also about the freedom and the future of the next generations”, warn the Bishops, who call people to carefully choose those who want to be “the salt of the earth in the broader community of the nations and States we have been belonging to for twenty years”, those who are ready to represent the country while also “defending the principles we want to bring into the European Union” and making “the voice of Christians keep being listened there too”.Valentina Bombelli