Luxembourg: musical show “Laudato Sì”. Texts and songs expressing Europe’s multicultural reality On Saturday, 1 June, at 8 p.m., the theatre company “Intimité Divine” will take the stage at the premises of the parish of Mersch (Luxembourg) to perform its new musical show “Laudato Sì” focusing on the life of St Francis of Assisi. The show, directed by Diego De Lima, deacon of the parishes of Ettelbruck and Diekirch and assistant to the youth ministry chaplain, will involve about thirty young performers from all over Luxembourg and also from Brussels. Deacon De Lima, a trained dancer born into a family of artists, is also the creator of this new show on Francis of Assisi. “His teachings are still relevant today. As a director, I see in him many artistic possibilities”, said De Lima, who wrote the script for the show, mainly in French. The songs were taken from Portuguese, Brazilian, German, French and Italian repertoires, to reflect the multicultural reality of Europe and the Grand Duchy itself; the company’s young actors also participated in the creation of the entire show, the promoters informed. The performance on Saturday, 1 June, will be the premiere of a show that goes beyond artistic performance. “Of course, we wanted to create a beautiful theatre, dance and music show, but also a powerful spiritual moment. The whole show has been prepared in prayer, so it will also be an experience of invocation to the Lord through the intercession of Francis of Assisi”, said De Lima.Valentina Bombelli