Romania: Iasi, card. Parolin at the Diocesan Youth Day. Mgr. Paulet, “in his presence, the Pope’s closeness” “While waiting to meet you, I already feel the joy of being with you”: this was said by card. Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, speaking to the young people from the diocese of Iasi, in Romania, in a video message posted by the Diocesan Youth Pastoral Office. Invited by mgr. Iosif Paulet, Bishop of Iasi, the Secretary of State will take part in the Diocesan Youth Day in Iasi on Saturday 18th May, themed “the force of hope, the joy of gratitude”. On the occasion, the diocese will also commemorate three anniversaries: the tenth anniversary of the beatification of Bishop Anton Durcovici – a martyr of the Communist persecution –, the fifth anniversary of Pope Francis’s visit to Romania and the twenty-fifth anniversary of John Paul II’s visit to Romania. “We are glad to have card. Pietro Parolin with us – Bishop Paulet writes in the pastoral letter –. In his being with us, we see a sign of closeness, communion and affection from Pope Francis”. In the morning of Saturday 18th May, the Cardinal will officiate Mass in the Cathedral of Iasi and will give a sermon; then, he will attend the Youth Festival in the courtyard of the Cathedral. In the afternoon, the Cardinal will visit the Centre for Old and Disabled People, run by the Servants of Charity, and in the evening he will meet Teofan, Orthodox Metropolitan Bishop of Moldova and Bucovina. On Sunday morning, after a meeting with the seminarians and their teachers at the Major Seminary in Iasi, Card. Parolin will officiate Mass for Pentecost in the chapel of the seminary.Valentina Bombelli