Eurobarometer: 64% of young people say they intend to vote in European Parliament elections In the run-up to the 6-9 June European elections, the European Commission has today published a Eurobarometer on Youth and Democracy, which reveals that 64% of young people say they intend to vote. “However, while 38% indicated that they think voting is the most effective action to make their voice heard, some 19% said they were not interested in politics and 13% were not interested in voting”, a statement accompanying the survey reads. The survey shows that “many young people are active and engaged: 64% said that they have participated in the activities of one or more organisations in the past 12 months. In addition, 48% reported that they had taken action to change society through signing a petition, participating in a rally, or sending a letter to a politician”. In particular, young people “were active on topics relating to human rights (34%), climate change and environment (33%), health and wellbeing (29%) and equal rights regardless of gender, race or sexuality (29%)”. Finally, the survey found that young people “continue to have a European outlook”. “More than 43% have participated in an activity in another EU country. Typical examples of this include studying or training (16%), volunteering (12%) or working (12%)”. Nearly half of the surveyed young people (49%) say that they are aware of the funding opportunities offered by Erasmus+.Valentina Bombelli