1 May: Schmit (Commission), EU’s commitment to promoting rights, training and opportunities “On 1 May, as we celebrate International Workers’ Day, we reflect on the progress the EU has made over the past year in advancing workers’ rights and opportunities in Europe”, said Commissioner Nicolas Schmit. “The European Year of Skills has ignited a skills revolution, turning the attention of policy-makers, companies and individuals to the importance of continuous training to meet the needs of the EU’s evolving labour market”. Through initiatives like the Pact for Skills, “which provided training to 3.5 million workers in 2022-2023 alone, we are building partnerships to invest in the workforce of tomorrow. As the Year officially reaches its conclusion, we must keep the skills fire burning”. The Commissioner added: “We have also reached significant milestones in employment legislation: new EU rules will improve the working conditions for people working on digital labour platforms, ensuring millions of workers receive the labour rights and social protection they deserve”.Gianni Borsa