EU: State of the Climate Report confirms global warming and trend of impacts across the continent To mark Earth Day 2024, the EU Copernicus Climate Change Service has today published, jointly with the United Nations World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), the annual European State of the Climate Report. Based on scientific data and analysis, the report “showcases the continued alarming trend of rising temperatures and climate change impacts across Europe”. “In 2023, Europe experienced its warmest year on record, impacting citizens with a surge in extreme heat stress days, and heatwaves. Those heightened temperatures amplified the occurrence and severity of extreme weather events like droughts, floods, and wildfires. Precipitation levels were 7% above average in 2023 – a statement from Brussels reads –, raising flood risks in many areas of Europe. The average sea surface temperature across Europe was the highest on record”. The report also highlights the impacts of climate change in Europe, particularly the economic losses due to floods and the health impacts of heat stress. “Europe is the fastest warming continent, with temperatures rising at around twice the global average rate”. The European State of the Climate Report released today stresses “once again the need for Europe to become climate-neutral and climate resilient, and to speed up our clean energy transition and the uptake of renewables and energy efficiency measures”.Valentina Bombelli