UK: Caritas Westminster launches “Safe in Faith” project, providing prevention and help against domestic violence “I think it takes an entire community to support the victims of domestic abuse. That is why the Church can play an important role in ensuring that those who suffer such violence can find a safe refuge and that faith will never make it more difficult for these people to seek help”. With these words, Nikki Dhillon Keane, head of the “Safe in Faith” project of Caritas Westminster, the Catholic archdiocese in central London, presented a new initiative aimed at helping those attacked within the four walls of their homes. “Safe in Faith” is, in fact, a booklet that helps priests and leaders of the Catholic communities to spot signs of what could be domestic violence while also providing them with all the necessary tools to help victims in parishes. By reading the booklet, one will learn how to respond, in an appropriate way, to anyone who turns to the Church for help or advice. The booklet provides information on a number of resources and refers the reader to agencies that can help them, depending on the cultural and faith profile of the victim. “Usually those seeking help approach the people they trust. Many people in our society trust a priest or someone in their church. We hope that this booklet can help priests and volunteers in parishes to help victims of domestic violence”, said Nikki Dhillon Keane.Valentina Bombelli