Alexei Navalny: Muratov (Nobel Peace Prize), “murdered”. Martynov (Novaja Gazeta), Putin kills his opponents “It’s terrible news”: this is the comment of Dmitry Muratov, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, on the death of dissident Aleksey Navalny. While a “blood clot” is rumoured to have ended Navalny’s life, Muratov states: “I am sure the blood coat (if it was that) is a direct consequence of his having sentenced to a prison cell for the 27th time”, which means “immobility, hypocaloric food, no air, constant cold”. Alexei Navalny would have been tormented and tortured for three years, something the body cannot withstand, so he was actually murdered. And Muratov adds, in a postscript: “all the medical staff working in the prison must be provided with video cameras. We will ask for the documents: when the doctors arrived, how was medical care provided, whether all the options to save him were used”. “One month before his ‘election’ and having been deeply inspired by the message sent from Trump through Tucker Carslon, it is as if Putin, who I believe is responsible for what happened, had sent the message to all those who believe that dictatorship and war can have an alternative”. This was written by Kirill Martynov, editor-in-chief of the Novaja Gazeta Europa, the paper that had to relocate to Europe to survive Putin’s censorship. The election for the renewal of the Duma are due to take place on March 17th , and the opposition leader, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, called all Russians to turn out and write the name of Alexei Navalny in the ballot sheets. Oleg Orlov, co-president of “Memorial” and a human rights activist, wrote: “this is too terrible news, a tragedy for us all, for all Russia. I am speechless, I am lost for words”.Valentina Bombelli