EU Parliament: nature law, green light. Restoring ecosystems against climate change At its plenary session in Strasbourg, the European Parliament has today adopted its negotiating position on the European Nature Restoration Law with 336 votes in favour, 300 against, and 13 abstentions. A motion tabled by the EPP to reject the Commission’s proposal in its entirety was not adopted (312 votes in favour, 324 against and 12 abstentions). The Socialists and Democrats, the Liberals from Renew Europe, the Greens and the Left together with some members of the EPP voted in favour. The EPP and right-wing MEPs voted against. Activist Greta Thunberg was among the public attending the vote. MEPs underlined that “restoring the ecosystem is key to combating climate change and biodiversity loss, and reduces risks to food security”. Moreover, they stressed that “the draft law does not impose the creation of new protected areas in the EU nor block new renewable energy infrastructure”. A new article was approved underlining that such installations are overwhelmingly in the public interest. Parliament stressed that the new law must contribute to reaching the EU’s international commitments, particularly those set out in the UN Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity framework. MEPs support the Commission’s proposal to implement nature restoration measures covering at least 20% of all EU land and sea areas by 2030.Gianni Borsa