Drugs: Goosdeel (EMCDDA Director), “Everywhere, Everything, Everyone. Illicit drugs can be found throughout our society”. The Director of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), Alexis Goosdeel, presented the annual report by the European agency, saying: “This year’s report provides us with a stark reminder that illicit drug problems can be found throughout our society. I summarise this with the phrase: Everywhere, Everything, Everyone”. The situation, according to the director, is alarming: “Established illicit drugs are now widely accessible and potent new substances continue to emerge. Almost everything with psychoactive properties can appear on the drug market, often mislabelled or in mixtures”. This is why, “illicit drugs can affect everyone, whether directly through use, or indirectly, through their impact on families, communities, institutions and businesses. They also increasingly expose our citizens to drug-related violence and its consequences”. Goosdeel added: “Today, we are highlighting the challenges posed by stimulants, synthetic drugs and new cannabis products. It is crucial that we increase forensic and toxicological testing to better detect emerging threats and safeguard public health. We also need to invest more in services, which are now called upon to meet more diverse and complex needs”.Valentina Bombelli