EU: new aid to Democratic Republic of Congo for nutrition, water and healthcare “The humanitarian situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) continues to deteriorate, especially in the east of the country”. “As a result, the EU is allocating an additional €32.7 million “to support the humanitarian crisis response in the country”, the Commission said in a statement. “The new funding comes in addition to the €45.7 million announced earlier this year and brings the total funding for the DRC to almost €80 million for 2023. This funding will be channelled through humanitarian organisations to cover immediate needs such as nutrition, healthcare, water and sanitation, shelter and protection”. The EU has also set up Humanitarian Air Bridge flights to Goma in eastern DRC, “delivering essential medical and nutritional supplies and other emergency items”. In March and April 2023, this Humanitarian Air Bridge delivered a total of 260 tons of supplies through seven flights. “There are currently over 6.2 million displaced people within the DRC – the highest number in Africa”, the Commission informed. More than 1 million Congolese refugees live in neighbouring countries. “Given the instability in the region, the DRC itself hosts more than half a million refugees from neighbouring countries”.Valentina Bombelli