Fratelli tutti: Strasbourg, human rights from the perspective of fraternity. Dialogue promoted by DECERE and the Council of Europe “Fraternity and Human Rights” is the theme of a dialogue organised by DECERE (Démocratie, construction européenne et religions), an association that has been active in Strasbourg since 2005 in promoting the role of religions in the European public space and in advancing dialogue on social issues. “The ongoing efforts of international institutions to promote human rights at all decision-making levels are unfortunately not always effective”, explain the organisers of the dialogue that will be held on 26 and 27 September in Strasbourg. That is why Christian-inspired NGOs accredited to the Council of Europe, but not only them, intend to re-examine the fundamental issue of human rights from the perspective of fraternity, as presented by Pope Francis in his encyclical “Fratelli Tutti”. A plurality of voices will seek to understand how “fraternity and human rights can be united in the service of social friendship, integral ecology, and peace”. An exchange of views between Mgr. Fortunatus Nwachukwu (Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the UN in Geneva) and Bjørn Berge, Deputy Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, will open the event. Then Birte Wassenberg (history of international relations), Jean-Bernard Marie (human rights and ethics), and Alfonso de Salas (human rights and the Council of Europe) will provide further insights into the topic. Discussion will then focus on “religions and spirituality at the service of peace” and then on “social friendship and integral ecology”. The conclusions will be drawn by Jesuit Grégoire Catta, Director of the Family and Society Service at the French Bishops’ Conference. The Permanent Mission of the Holy See to the Council of Europe, the Catholic Faculty of Theology in Strasbourg and the Social Weeks in France are also contributing to the organisation of the event.Sarah Numico