FAFCE: first edition of “International General States of Birth” in Paris The “demographic winter”, which keeps all European countries below the replacement rate of 2.1 children per woman, continues to be the concern and focus of attention of the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe (FAFCE). After the “General States of Birth” in Rome last May, FAFCE is now organising the first international edition of the General States of Birth. The event, to be held in Paris on 20 October, will bring together demographers, philosophers, citizens and policy makers from all over Europe to “assess the root causes of the demographic deficit and offer solutions for the future of Europe”, the Federation explains in a statement. France was chosen as a host country because until 2020 its birth rate was higher than that of other European countries, but now this trend seems to have reversed and the birth rate is down to 1.83 children per woman. Since obstacles are at all levels – individual, within the workplace, economic, social and cultural –, the event in Paris will investigate, on the one hand, “how can public policies reduce the intergenerational imbalance” and, on the other, “how to support European families in their desire for children” (to participate, please register at evenements@afc-france.org).Gianni Borsa