EU Parliament: Sanna Marin (Finnish PM), “recent war and crises have shown need for unity and solidarity” “My visit to the European Parliament comes at a dark time. Europe is at war. In its war of aggression against Ukraine, Russia has breached and abandoned the key principles and commitments of the European security order. The energy market is suffering from exceptional uncertainty, and that, together with inflation, may cause an economic downturn in Europe. This summer’s record drought and natural disasters show how climate change is progressing. If we don’t act in time, it will be too late. We will not get a second chance”. Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin said this in her address to the European Parliament in Strasbourg in the context of a series of debates on the present and future of the European Union. “However, there is hope even in the darkest moments. Ukraine will win this war with our support. There is no other alternative. In our hearts, the Ukrainians have already won it. They are full of courage and unwavering in their determination”. Ukraine’s “counter-offensive is advancing at an incredible pace”. Russia has already been forced to withdraw from many parts of the country. Ms Marin did not hesitate to speak with a wartime tone before touching on other issues on top of the EU’s political agenda. “We need unity now more than ever, as Russia is using energy as a weapon against Europe”. The energy crisis “will simply accelerate Europe’s transition away from Russian fossil fuels. With its war, Russia is destroying its economy and future”. “The unity of the European Union – she went on to say – is not dictated from above”. Our European unity “is a result of vibrant democratic debate and understanding for each other. Recent crises – the pandemic, the war and now the energy crisis – have shown” our need for solidarity and unity.Valentina Bombelli