Ultimi contenuti di #Pastoral care
Fratelli tutti: Mgr. Batzing (German Bishops), “a wake-up call, a warning and a hope”
Mons. Russo: “These are trying times that require proximity”
di M.Michela NicolaisThe “trying times” we are living, the upcoming Assembly of Italian bishops, the referendum turnout, migrations and Europe were the…
Germany: negative data for the Catholic Church. Mgr. Bätzing (Bishops’ Conference), “bold changes to regain credibility”
English Catholics and the lockdown: closer to God but distant from parish churches
di Silvia GuzzettiThe findings of a research carried out by Francis Davis, University of Birmingham and Oxford, reveal the difficulties experienced by…
Coronavirus Covid-19: Scotland, a workgroup of the Catholic Church to “meet the long-term pastoral needs of the community”
COVID-19 Coronavirus: Russia, 100,000 cases, 1,000 deaths. Lockdown until 11 May. Catholic Bishops postpone family and youth meetings
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