Ultimi contenuti di #Hospitality
UK: Catholic Bishops’ call to welcome migrants. “Pilgrims like us, looking for a place to live in peace”
COMECE: Migration and Asylum Pact, “fair and humane treatment of every regular or irregular migrant or asylum seeker arriving in the EU”
COMECE: Migration and Asylum Pact, 7 “recommendations” to EU politicians. Concrete solidarity among States for better management of flows
COMECE: Migration and Asylum Pact, ensuring migrants the same reception standards as Ukrainian refugees
Spain: “Migrantes con Derechos” Network to the new government, “debate on migrants in Parliament”
Romania: 6 million Ukrainians have sought refuge in the country. Mgr Crisan (CER), “recognising and serving Jesus in the vulnerable”
Romania: 6 million Ukrainians have sought refuge in the country. Mgr Crisan (CER), “recognising and serving Jesus in the vulnerable”
EU-Ukraine: reception of refugees. Schmit (Commission), temporary protection will guarantee housing, work, health and education to those fleeing war
Saint Benedict. Patron Saint of Europe. Dom Polan (abate primate): “Messenger of Peace”
di Daniele RocchiToday, July 11, the universal Church commemorates St Benedict Abbot, Patron Saint of Europe. Over 1500 years later, the topical…
Ukraine: in Transnistria the parish of Tiraspol is preparing an anti-aircraft bunker in case of attack. The parish priest: “There is fear for the widening of the conflict”.
di Maria Chiara Biagioni and Daniele RocchiAfter the attacks of the last two days in Tiraspol and Maiac, there are rising fears in Transnistria, the pro-Russian…