Ultimi contenuti di #Dignity
Giuseppe Toniolo. Msgr. Sorrentino: “Studying his thought makes us rediscover an economy respectful of the human person”
di Gigliola Alfaro“Humanistic principle, solidarity principle, ethical principle” These are the underlying principles of a “healthy” economy, drawn from the conception of…
Romania: Catholic Bishops to Romanian MEPs, “vote against the Matić Report”
Navalny case. Msgr. Pezzi (Moscow): ” We demand justice, mercy, and above all, humanity”
di M. Chiara Biagioni“Our request is that the innocent receive justice, the guilty be granted mercy, those charged with delivering judgement do so…
Surrogacy. Marina Casini ( MPV): ” Human trafficking that undermines the dignity of the human person”
di Giovanna Pasqualin TraversaScores of newborn babies born to surrogate mothers are stranded in a hotel in Kiev, waiting for parents-purchasers who cannot…