The European Network for the Future of Religious Heritage (FRH) is launching a set of three webinars on “ambitious initiatives and resilient solutions to save endangered religious heritage sites”. Each webinar will be focussed on a website of the heritage belonging to the “7 most endangered places” programme, launched in 2013 by Europa Nostra and the European Investment Bank Institute, with the support of Creative Europe. The first webinar, on Friday 21st February, will be about the Church of Santo Estevo de Pousada, a historical chapel in northern Spain dating back to the XII and XIII centuries. The interior still contains remains of XV-century frescoes but “unfortunately this enclave of Galician heritage risks being lost, due to the state of decay of the building and its location in a sparsely populated area”, the organisers of the webinar explain. The Office for Cultural Heritage of the diocese of Lugo has worked out a plan, though, to restore and revive the Church of Santo Estevo de Pousada. This plan will be described by Jesús Salvador López, Director of the Diocesan Office, and by Uxía Aguiar Ballesteros, the restorer, who will talk about challenges and strategies to preserve the chapel (through this registration link).