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Iceland: new church under construction for the community of Selfoss. Bishop Tencer calls for generosity

(Foto pagina FB Diocesi Reykjavík)

The construction of the new Catholic church and pastoral centre in Selfoss, southeast of Reykjavík, Iceland, is proceeding apace. The occasion to report on the progress of the work was provided by a visit that Bishop David Tencer made today to the construction site, supervised by the Aðalvik company that is carrying out the work. “The structure is taking shape, and you can already have a glimpse of the future church and its facilities. The Church will become the home of Catholics in Selfoss, who have so far been gathering in an ordinary residential building on the outskirts of the town and are waiting for a proper church. In recent months, Bishop Tencer, who received part of the funds (€563,000) from the German Catholic Agency Bonifatiuswerk, has repeatedly called on the island’s faithful to “build this church together” through donations, which, “whether small or large, are sincerely appreciated”.

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