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Medjugorje: spiritual experience with “positive fruits”, alleged visionaries “no longer central mediators”


A spiritual experience with “positive fruits”, but separate from the experience of the alleged visionaries, “who are no longer seen as the central mediators”. This is how the phenomena of Medjugorje, in the midst of which “the Holy Spirit is carrying out many beautiful and positive things”, are described in the Note entitled “The Queen of Peace”. “Although we find many positive elements that help to heed the call of the Gospel when we consider the overall set of messages tied to this spiritual experience, some people believe that certain messages contain contradictions or are connected with the desires or interests of the alleged visionaries or others”, reads the Note from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith – approved by the Pope. While not expressing itself on the supernatural character of the phenomena, the Note recognizes the abundant spiritual fruits connected to the parish-shrine of the Queen of Peace, while also providing an overall positive assessment of the “alleged messages”, albeit with some clarifications. The Note specifies that, according to the new Norms for Proceeding in the Discernment of Alleged Supernatural Phenomena, the faithful are authorized to give their adherence to the spiritual experience of Medjugorje as “many positive fruits have been noted” “while negative and dangerous effects have not spread among the People of God”. The assessment of the “alleged messages” is also generally positive, although with some necessary clarifications. The conclusions of the Note – the text reads – “do not imply a judgment about the moral life of the alleged visionaries”. In any case, spiritual gifts “do not necessarily require those involved to have moral perfection”.

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