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International Democracy Day: Borrell and Suica (EU), an asset to protect to promote citizens’ dignity, social justice and peace

(Strasbourg) “The European Union remains steadfast in its commitment to strengthen and defend democracy, both within and beyond our borders. 2024 is a pivotal year for elections. Nearly half of the world’s population across more than 70 countries will have had the opportunity to elect their representatives. This year, millions across the world are reaffirming their commitment to democracy, whether as candidates or voters, often in challenging circumstances”. This has been written in a joint statement by the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, and by the Vice President of the European Commission, Dubravka Šuica, about the International Democracy Day. “The European Union commends those who defend democracy, often at great personal risk. Upholding democracy is key to preserve and promote the dignity of every citizen, as well as fostering social justice, inclusive development, and peace”. They add: “Across various regions, citizens encounter threats and attempts to undermine the democratic process, such as political violence, electoral manipulation, fraud, the misuse of state resources, disinformation, or foreign interference. These actions undermine the integrity of elections and the foundation of democracy. The EU, through the deployment of Electoral Observation Missions and other democracy support tools works to identify, deter and issue recommendations on these issues to allow and encourage active participation in elections”.

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