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CCEE: meeting of Eastern Churches on “the relationship between bishop and priests – fraternity and humanity” in Oradea (Romania)

“The relationship between bishop and priests – fraternity and humanity. Synod on Synodality” is the theme of the meeting of the Bishops of the Eastern Churches in Europe, organised from 16 to 19 September in Oradea, Romania, by the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE) and hosted by the Greek-Catholic Eparchy of Oradea. The work will start at the Oradea City Hall on Monday afternoon, with a meeting between the bishops and local authorities. The daily agenda includes conferences on the theme of the meeting, round tables, moments of sharing, and community prayer. Speakers will include Card. Claudio Gugerotti, Prefect of the Dicastery for Eastern Churches; Mgr Boris Gudziak, Metropolitan of Philadelphia; Mgr Manuel Nin, Apostolic Exarch in Greece; and Fr Cristian Barta, Dean of the Faculty of Greek-Catholic Theology at the Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca (Romania). The Byzantine-rite Masses, in the Greek-Catholic Cathedral of Oradea and in two churches of the city, will be presided over by Cardinal Gugerotti (17 and 18 September) and by the Apostolic Nuncio to Romania Mgr Giampiero Gloder (19 September). They will be celebrated in turn by the Eparch of Oradea Mgr Virgil Bercea; by the Major Archbishop of Kyiv Sviatoslav Shevchuk; and by the Metropolitan Archbishop of Hajdúdorog Fülöp Kocsis. On Tuesday evening, there will be a performance in honour of the guests at the Oradea Theatre and on Wednesday evening there will be a visit to the Roman Catholic Episcopal Palace in Oradea and the prayer of the hymn “Paraklisis” to the Mother of God in the Latin Cathedral.

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