In Austria, this year, Caritas Steiermark is providing needy people with a “reversed Advent calendar” where something is added every day instead of removed. Instead of opening a door, as usual, all through December day after day a box will be filled with non-perishable foods, toiletries or little gifts, the humanitarian organisation explained. Caritas encourages people, families, school classes, communities of offices and other groups to take part in its Advent campaign. “The reversed Advent calendar is a good way to give joy to and support people in need”, the President of Caritas Austria, Nora Tödtling-Musenbichler, said. The filled boxes can be left at Marienstüberl in Graz or in other pick-up points all over Styria from December 1st to January 13th 2025. After the holidays, Caritas will deliver them to people who urgently need support. “A packet of pasta, a jar of honey or a pair of socks can be really helpful”, it has been written. In addition to non-perishable foods, toiletries will be collected too, such as toothpaste, soap or razors as well as little things to keep warm, such as socks and gloves. The parish of Klagenfurt Cathedral too is organising a “reversed Advent calendar”: in the time of Advent, a basket will always be sitting at the entrance to the Cathedral, so it can be filled with long shelf-life foods and toiletries.