Today the Commission has published the results of its second Eurobarometer survey on Justice, Rights and Values, which aims to “give a snapshot of EU citizens’ perception of the rights and values promoted” by the European Union through its legislation, funding policies and programmes, and “the different instruments used to promote and protect” them. Conducted in all Member States in March and April 2024, the survey shows that “over half of Europeans feel well-informed about the rule of law in their own country”, while two-thirds “believe that the core values of the EU, such as fundamental rights, democracy and the rule of law, are well protected”. When asked about their knowledge of EU legislation in this area, despite a slight decline, over 60% of respondents said they were “informed”. For example, nearly half of Europeans are aware of their rights to reside freely anywhere within the EU and of equal treatment in employment. Moreover, with regard to initiatives, half of respondents have heard of the Code of Conduct on countering illegal hate speech online; nearly half have heard of the European Disability Card; and over 40% are aware of the European Citizens’ Initiative”. The Commission has today launched a communication campaign to raise awareness of these topics. The total budget amounts to €1.8 billion.