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EU Parliament: Michel (European Council), “the defeat of Ukraine is not an option. We fight a diplomatic battle for peace”

Foto Calvarese/SIR

(Strasbourg) “The defeat of Ukraine is not an option”: Charles Michel, president of the European Council, speaks at the plenary session of the European Parliament with the “wartime” tones that have become so usual now, to ask for “more weapons and ammunition” to be sent to Kiev’s army and wide military support, not least because, as he states, “the Russian forces threw 20 to 50 thousand grenades a day in the last few months”. He adds: “we would like to see an escalation into peace but Russia did not stop the escalation into war. Now we need the aggressor to take a decision and retreat from the Ukrainian borders, but we see no steps taken by the Kremlin and we keep fighting a battle for peace”. Then, he adds: “We keep fighting a diplomatic battle for peace. We support the plan for a just peace proposed by President Zelensky, which is based on the UN Charter and compliance with international law”.

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