(London) “Crunch point for Brexit”. Brexit talks are at a pivotal point after EU chief negotiator Michael Barnier (pictured below) said he does not want the talks to continue beyond Wednesday. This is the top story on the websites of many British newspapers from “The Guardian” to “The Telegraph” to “The Independent”. Is this the ultimate deadline or yet another turn of events in these negotiations that have been going on for four years, that is, since the “Leave” party, bringing together the Brits who want to leave the EU, won the referendum on 23 June 2016 with a majority of 51.89%? “It is clear that the EU thinks it is important to set a final deadline to prevent negotiations from going on forever”, Tony Travers, a prominent political scientist and professor at the London School of Economics, told SIR news agency.
“The Wednesday deadline could be another step towards a no-deal break since no significant progress has been made on the three crucial issues of fishing rights, compliance with the Single Market rules, and Northern Ireland. My guess is that Barnier will probably continue “to negotiate with London” even beyond Wednesday “in an attempt to reach a deal”. “Westminster, too, will delay by a few days the approval of the Internal Market Bill – the law by which Boris Johnson goes back on the UK’s commitment to the EU on Northern Ireland -, so as not to poison relations with the EU and keep the door of negotiations open”, the expert concluded.