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Conference on Future of Europe: Suica (Commission), “chance to show people their voice counts in Europe”

(Brussels) The Conference on the Future of Europe “will allow for an open, inclusive, transparent and structured debate with citizens of diverse backgrounds and from all walks of life”. The Commission, in presenting its proposal for the Conference, which will be evaluated on 28 January by the ministers of the EU, together with the resolution approved by the European Parliament last week, proposes two “parallel work strands” for the debates that will run for two years. “The first should focus on EU priorities and what the Union should seek to achieve: the fight against climate change and environmental challenges, an economy that works for people, social fairness and equality, Europe’s digital transformation, promoting our European values, strengthening the EU’s voice in the world, as well as strengthening the Union’s democratic foundations”. The second strand should focus on “addressing topics specifically related to democratic processes and institutional matters: notably the lead candidate system (Spitzenkandidat) and transnational lists for the European elections”. Dubravka Šuica, Commission’s Vice President for Democracy and Demography, stated: “The Conference on the Future of Europe is a unique opportunity to reflect with citizens, listen to them, engage, answer and explain”. The aim is to “build greater trust between citizens and the EU institutions. This is our chance to show people that their voice counts in Europe”.

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