STATEMENT — 5 Aprile 2023 Holy Land: Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, “escalating violence and mounting obstacles faced by Christians”
Appeal to parliament — 28 Marzo 2023 United Kingdom: NGOs, MPs and lecturers against the new law on migration that deprives migrants of the right to asylum. “Contempt for human life”
WINDSOR FRAMEWORK — 22 Marzo 2023 United Kingdom: Enchelmaier (political analyst), “rising awareness that Brexit has ruined the country. Today, the British government has a friendlier attitude towards the EU”
STATEMENT FROM CARITAS SOCIAL ACTION NETWORK — 17 Marzo 2023 UK: “Government denies asylum, rejects and punishes those fleeing hunger and war”. Caritas opposing new bill
POLITICS — 17 Marzo 2023 UK: cuts in aid to poor countries, increased military spending. CAFOD and Christian Aid criticise Government
Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales — 15 Marzo 2023 UK: “buffer zones” around abortion clinics. Mgr. Sherrington, will prayer and dialogue be criminalised?
STATEMENT — 10 Marzo 2023 United Kingdom: mgr. McAleenan (Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales), “the new legislation treats migrants as a problem, not as brothers”
“4DAYWEEKGLOBAL” — 21 Febbraio 2023 UK: working four days a week on the same pay. Trial successful. Westminster discussing it today
Ecumenical call — 14 Dicembre 2022 United Kingdom: a joint Christmas message from the Catholic and Anglican Bishops. “Placing the Prince of Peace at the centre”
POLITICS — 23 Novembre 2022 UK: Supreme Court rules against Scottish independence referendum. Mr Bairner (analyst) to SIR, “defeat for democracy”
#BeeThere — 21 Novembre 2022 United Kingdom: Catholic and Anglican Advent initiatives. The diocese of Salford gets on to help poorer families