Russia: Caritas, “Week of Mercy”. Initiatives for homeless in Moscow. Covid spiking, Putin introduces lockdown in the capital
Russia: Mgr. Pezzi (Moscow) celebrates Mass again after self-isolation. Fr. Gorbunov to SIR, “several priests and nuns tested positive”. Churches remain open
Russia: Moscow, new Auxiliary Bishop Mgr. Dubinin to be ordained on Sunday 4 October
Russia. Msgr. Pezzi (Moscow): “Orthodox Easter behind closed doors in response to the appeal of Patriarch Kirill”
di M. Chiara BiagioniLockdown in Moscow and Easter behind closed doors. Also Russia is facing a surge in infections, with the health system…
COVID-19 Coronavirus: Mgr. Pezzi (Moscow), “God shows us that we need one another”. Guidelines for the diocese
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