DOCUMENT — 10 Settembre 2020 Germany: mgr. Bätzing (Dbk), “Coronavirus and the quest for a future time”. Society and Church faced with the pandemic. Commemorating the Bergamo victims
Politics — 3 Settembre 2020 Germany: Mgr. Bätzing (Bishops’ chairman) meets Chancellor Merkel. Exchange of views on “social and political impacts of pandemic”
OPEN LETTER — 17 Luglio 2020 Germany: 70th Anniversary of Council of Jews in Germany. Mgr. Bätzing (DBK), “anti-Semitic attacks are attacks on our democracy”
Annual statistics — 26 Giugno 2020 Germany: negative data for the Catholic Church. Mgr. Bätzing (Bishops’ Conference), “bold changes to regain credibility”
Politics — 24 Giugno 2020 EU: German presidency of the Union. Mgr. Neher (Caritas), “Federal Government should work for a fair Europe”. Covid and migration are priority
Message — 18 Giugno 2020 Benedict XVI: Pope Emeritus in Germany. Mgr. Bätzing welcomes him on behalf of German Bishops’ Conference
Politics — 17 Giugno 2020 EU: Message from Catholic and Evangelical Churches about German presidency. Health and economic crisis, social rights, environment. Support for Conference on Future of Europe
Politics — 17 Giugno 2020 EU: Message from Catholic and Evangelical Churches about German presidency. “Consequences of pandemic to be addressed with a united Europe”
Politics — 16 Giugno 2020 EU: Germany prepares six-month presidency. “Together for Europe’s recovery”. Economy, social cohesion, Brexit top priorities
Associations — 3 Giugno 2020 Germany: Federation of German Catholic Youth organises first virtual Federal Assembly. 108 delegates representing 660,000 members
National commemoration — 5 Maggio 2020 Germany: ecumenical celebration to mark anniversary of WWII end on Friday 8 May
The Church in Europe — 5 Maggio 2020 Germany: Mass with devotees has been resumed. Anti-Covid measures and telephone reservations